Our New Senior Chaplain

 In Chaplaincy News
Dear Friends,
We are delighted to share the news that the Cardinal has appointed Fr Philip Miller as the new Senior University Chaplain in Westminster Diocese, who will take over from Fr Stephen this summer. Fr Philip is a wonderful priest with a great love for students and young people. He has got to know many of our students and alumni over the years through his hospital ministry in Lourdes, and through his work as a chaplain on many World Youth Day pilgrimages. He is very excited about coming to Newman House and being part of the wider Chaplaincy.
Please keep him in your prayers at this time, and pray for his parish community which will miss him enormously.
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Fr Philip grew up in Kent, and then in St Albans, Herts, where he attended Nicholas Breakspear Catholic Secondary School. He studied Natural Sciences (Physics) at Cambridge as an undergraduate, and then for a PhD in radio-astronomy at the Cavendish Laboratory. He attended the Venerable English College, Rome, for his seminary formation, and was ordained in St Albans in September 1999. Since then he has served in parishes and hospital ministry in Westminster diocese, most recently as Parish Priest of St Augustine’s, Hoddesdon.
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