Lenten Events for Students

 In Chaplaincy News

Lenten Retreat for Students, Tuesday 23 Feb

Led by Sr Anabel Gonzalez MVD (10am to 4pm). With talks and reflections, time for personal prayer, and some conversation and sharing (External Event). Email for more info: anabel.gonzalez@city.ac.uk


Lent Retreat Day for Young Adults with the Religious of the Assumption, Sat 20 March

From the Cross to the Resurrection: a day with talks, prayer, faith sharing and workshops to prepare for the celebrations of Holy Week and Easter. External Event. Register by emailing: youth@assumptionreligious.org or see the Facebook even here: www.facebook.com/events/159135042685815



Daily Mass Livestream with Lenten Homily, Mon to Fri, 5.30pm.

From Newman House Chaplaincy, on the Pause for Faith YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/PauseforFaith


“Thought for the Day” through Lent

A short reflection posted on Facebook and Instagram each day of Lent. See www.facebook.com/newmanhouselondon and www.instagram.com/newmanhouselondon


Daily Talks and Reflections with Fr Stephen Wang, Mon to Fri at 4.30pm.

See the Pause for Faith YouTube Channel for the individual daily links: www.youtube.com/c/PauseforFaith



Lenten Rosary for Students (Online), Mondays at 8pm

A brief 20 minute slot, with the opportunity for some sharing and conversation for those who wish to stay on afterwards. See Facebook event: www.facebook.com/events/735323253770109


A Journey of Prayer for Lent (Online), Mondays at 8pm

Prayer, meditation and reflection – led by the Missionaries of Verbum Dei (External Event). See Facebook event: www.facebook.com/events/263264701814056


The Gospel Readings for Lent, Bible Study (Online), Wednesdays at 7pm

In-depth teaching and reflection about each Sunday Gospel, so you can experience Mass in a new way. Let by Mauro Iannicelli who ran the hugely successful Bible Timeline last semester (External Event). For more info and registration visit here: comeandsee.org/lent.html#gospels


Sycamore Lent Course (Online): “What do you believe?” Thursdays at 7.30pm

An informal discussion about life and faith – a fantastic way to meet others and explore your faith. Each session involves a short film and then breaking into small groups for some chat. For students and young adults across London. Run by Westminster Diocese Youth Service (External Event).  For more info and registration visit here: dowym.com/events/sycamore-lent-course/


Stations of the Cross (Online), Fridays at 4.30pm

From Newman House, live streamed on the Pause for Faith YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/PauseforFaith


Lockdown Reflections (Online), Fridays at 7pm

Online gathering for young adults, with some bible reflection, prayer, and faith sharing. External event run by the Assumption Sisters. See the Facebook events for details and Zoom link: www.facebook.com/events/448397579841394


Livestream Student Sunday Mass at 11am each week, from Newman House Chaplaincy

See the Pause for Faith YouTube Channel for links to each Mass: www.youtube.com/c/PauseforFaith


Sunday Evening Confessions at St Aloysius Church, 6.45pm to 7.20pm (Phoenix Road, London NW1 1TA) – IN PERSON

See Facebook event: www.facebook.com/events/968106257329001


Sunday Evening Mass at St Aloysius Church, 7.30pm (Phoenix Road, London NW1 1TA) – IN PERSON

See Facebook event: www.facebook.com/events/434298407765803


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